People’s Square Shanghai

The People's Square is located on the People's Avenue, the crossing road of South Xizang Road and Fuzhou Road. It ranks an important place in the Central Business Area of Shanghai.

The People's Square covers an area of 130, 7000 square meters, quite larger than before. Therefore, it is also called the New People's Square.

The green land beside the spring reaches 80, 000 square meters, where various trees are planted and all kinds of flowers are in blossom. It really adds more colors to Shanghai, the largest and one of most prosperous cities in China.

Like other squares abroad, you could also feed the pigeons at the People's Square, play with them. There are more than 1, 000 pigeons here! You really could enjoy yourself. You could also visit the Shanghai's City Hall on the other side of People's Avenue or Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shanghai Museum and the newly built Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. The night scenery presents a more colorful and beautiful picture.

The world well-known cities always own its famous square. The Tian Anmen Square presents Beijing, China. And everyone knows the Times Square belongs to New York. Yes, People's Square is the symbol of Shanghai. It's really worth paying a visit.


During 1930s and 1940s, the present People's Square was once the gambling house and the racecourse, honored as the 'No.1 racecourse in Far East'. You could visit the ruins of the former main building, which stands the northeast part of People Square. The former Shanghai Library once occupied the former main building of the racecourse.

After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, about during the 1950s, the racecourse was rebuilt as the People's Park on the north side and the People's Square on the south part. Great changes have taken place specially in early 1990s. From time to time, People's Square becomes the political and commercial center of the downtown

The People's Square ranks the most important and prosperous area in Shanghai because of its geographical conditions and the developing plan of Shanghai. Around the square there are so many skyscrapers, among which the most famous are Shanghai City Hall, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Grand Theatre and Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. Therefore, it's the political, commercial and cultural center of Shanghai. You could always see there holds many ceremonies and the cultural activities at the People's Square.

People's Square is also the vital transportation line. It connects the No.1 subway and the No.2, where you could easily transfer it and reach the destination conveniently. The underground shopping mall and department stores are here and there. Furthermore, you may park your car in the underground garage which is the largest in Shanghai. Can you believe that under the People's Square there sets up the largest alliterated electric drill in Asia