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Can I carry soft drinks with me on board planes?

Posted by: Published:2024-01-01 Views:255

Passengers are allowed to carry liquid articles on planes, but there are some regulations, which must be adhered to. Hereunder are the details as announced by the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) on Feb 5, 2003.

In order to ensure flight safety of civil aircraft and protect the life and properties of passengers, the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China has decided to tighten the control over carry-on liquid articles of passengers flying in civil aircrafts. It is hereby announced as follows:

ž Each passenger may carry on his person at most two bottles per trip (the volume of each bottle should not exceed 500ML) of liquid articles such as carbonated beverage, mineral water, tea, milk, yogurt or fruit juice, and the bottles should be opened, inspected and confirmed beyond doubt before carrying onto an aircraft. Any liquids other than those listed above should be placed in checked luggage.

ž Passengers should not carry on their person alcohol (bottled or canned). In those cases where the carrying of spirits is really necessary, the amount carried by each person each time should not exceed two bottles (one kilo), placed in checked luggage, and be in packaging that complies with CAAC regulations.

ž Liquid articles that must be carried by a passenger on his person for special reasons, such as liquid medicine carried by a sick passenger and articles for drinking by an infant accompanied by a passenger, may be carried but must have their bottles opened, inspected and confirmed beyond doubt.

ž Any passenger who violates the above regulations shall be responsible for any losses, such as a missed flight, that may occur due to the violation.